Trailed Wheel-Rakes

The rake has a sturdy chassis frame with a long drawbar that connects to the tractor, with wings on both sides that fold open from the back for working position. The wings can pivot and have wheels in front that will follow your ground levels as you work. Each rake wheel also has it’s own spring suspension to ensure that the wheel will move up and down as required. This is a setting that can be adjusted to achieve the desired ground pressure for the rake.

These rakes are capable of handling large volumes of hay. The wheels work in front of the wing frame, so nothing can obstruct the flow of hay towards the back to form the windrow.

The wings get folded to face forward, parallel with the drawbar, then locked to set the rake in transport position. The front wheels of the rake can pivot, and they are braked to keep them stable. It can now be easily towed on the road, just like a trailer.

An optional kicker wheel is available to ensure that the material in the middle also gets raked and moved. The need for it depends by the width of your mower, and the number of rows you want to rake together. Typically 3 rows would require a kicker wheel, but 2 rows not.

To be added soon

To be added soon