With the relative availability of organic matter there is a growing need for a smaller, affordable yet reliable manure spreader, capable of spreading various types of organic matter.
Orbach offers the Hornet range of manure spreaders, mainly focusing on the small -to medium farming operations.
Our Hornet spreaders feature as standard the Verti X4 – 4 rotor vertical spreader which is a multi-purpose spreader capable of spreading wet, dry as well as processed manure.
It is also used for organic fertilizer as well as manure with a proportion of straw and semiliquid fractions. Sizes range from 6-11ton capacity. Spreading width varies by the type of organic matter but numerous tests have shown that a width of 6-8m can easily be achieved.
All models of the Hornet series manure spreader feature tandem axles. These tandem axles ensure even weight distribution and less weight on the tractor drawbar.
Each manure spreader features a dual chain floor conveyor. The speed of the floor conveyor is controlled by operating a knob on the hydraulic flow control valve.
A hydraulic vertical sliding tailgate can control the application rate of loose material fed to the spreading adapter in operation. However if spreading most types of manure it is recommended that the sliding tailgate be completely open in order to promote material flow.